The complete stud welding solution
StudCaddy Solution
Reduced Setup Time
This solution eliminates the need to prepare and lay studs along the length of the beam. Instead, workers can dump multiple boxes of studs directly into the StudCaddy’s step feeder where they will then be loaded into the stud loader’s magazine, ready to be shot.
Improved Ergonomics
With current stud welding processes, workers spend the majority of their workday bent over welding studs. This leads to an increase in injuries and workers comp cases. Using the StudCaddy, workers can weld while standing upright, leading to a reduction in these injuries and allowing them to work more consistently, for longer.
Lowered Skill Floor
The current stud welding process requires highly skilled workers. With the nature of the modern workforce, these skilled laborers are becoming less available. The StudCaddy aims to decrease the skill floor for stud welding, hence increasing the number of qualified workers.
The StudCaddy is an assistive construction technology device that aims to resolve the issues described above through utilization of a variety of interconnected sub-devices.
Step Feeder:
The StudCaddy features an automatic stud sorting/feeding mechanism. Powered by pneumatics, all workers need to do is dump boxes of studs into the step feeder’s bucket where they will then be automatically loaded into the magazine. The StudCaddy accepts a wide range of stud diameters and lengths, making it compatible with a variety of jobsites.
Stud Loader:
Also featured in the StudCaddy system is our patented stud loading device. After passing through the step feeder, 10-15 studs lay in the stud loader’s magazine where they wait to be loaded by the operator. With the press of a button, a pneumatic actuator injects the stud directly into the gun.
Stand-Up Stud Gun Extension:
To complete the StudCaddy system, we have equipped the stud gun with variable chuck extensions. This removes the need for workers to bend over when welding studs. Using incrementally sized threaded extensions, workers can customize their stud gun to allow them to weld in their desired upright position. The gun also features a custom handle containing a wireless button to activate the stud loader. This handle can be mounted at variable angles, optimizing ergonomics for each worker.
Tracked Cart:
The StudCaddy system sits upon a tracked platform that is designed to move along the beam with the worker, requiring minimal user input. The cart’s circuitry allows for custom speed, distance, and time settings. Once set using the wireless cart remote, the cart will move down the beam at a set speed in incremental distances, as set by the operator. Once this distance is reached, the cart will stop, allowing the worker to weld a row of studs before moving again. This time setting allows each worker to pace the StudCaddy system at their variable working speed.